Friday, 12 June 2015

Salmon Slingbacks

I think we have all established I'm more of a heel kind of gal (I know what you are thinking, here she goes again...) but I have to admit especially in summer - sometimes flats.
That's right you heard me correctly. When the sun is shining and I opt for a pretty sundress although heels make those pins look great they aren't ideal for those long strolls in the park or on the beach. Reality check, you can't live in heels. 

When I do these are just my favourite hands down. They are probably my most worn if they can in other colours I would so pick them up. Did you hear that Topshop? Hoping somewhere out there a shoe designer will answer my prayers. I have to admit though this shade is amazing, it compliments my skin tone like no other.

I also have such a weakness for pointed shoes. I heard a very long time ago that it makes your legs look longer so maybe thats why. Won't say no to help in that department.


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