Thursday, 11 June 2015

Why I’m Focusing On Fitness

With a long summer holidays ahead of me I wanted to find something else to put my energy in to give me a break and keep me inspired. Sometimes the pile of work you have to do seems more achievable after exercise.
I'm not going to lie I don't really feel as if my blog is a hobby anymore it just feels like part of my life. I have become so accustomed to blogging my outfits, beauty products and lifestyle moments for me it feels more of a diary logging my life. 

Now I've broken up from uni I have found myself throwing myself in at the deep end planning, preparing and posting content. I have to admit after working so hard at uni I have found myself in that place where I have so many amazing ideas but I'm finding it hard to put them all in to practice and make it happen. I have got myself in to that rut already where the days blend in to one and the mornings become afternoons before I even consider getting up.

With a holiday just round the corner I have recently made more of an conscious effort to exercise when I could at uni, but the further I got into my project the less time I found I had. The stress and pressure took over and I found myself back at square one. What I didn't realise at the time was how much It was helping me. I was too busy focusing on the fact I hadn't seen much difference physically to notice what it was doing for me mentally. It was my output of energy, a chance to forget about everything for a while and channel any negative thoughts in to something good for me.

So to answer the question, I'm focusing on fitness to help me have a clearer outlook as well as something to motivate me and sort out those bad summer holiday habits.


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