Saturday, 11 February 2017

Why Making Time For People Is So Important

I have to admit at times I can be guilty of getting caught up in my own life. Balancing work, the gym, my blog/youtube, friends and family can sometimes leave one of the things listed a feeling a little unloved. When it comes to making the decision of what to put first you can feel overwhelmed by the hard choice at hand.

We spend so much time trying to better ourselves through the lifestyle we live, driving for that promotion at work and generally doing the stuff we have to just to survive. It's times I sit down with the people I care about I realise most how much we can get so bogged down in life we forget to truly live. For me one of the most rewarding things is being able to go out and make memories. Whether that is just having a lounge day with your parents at home or a night out with the girls in the city or date night with your partner, you have to reach out. 

Relationships are a two-way street and it takes two people to make it work. Since starting work and moving to a new city, it can be a real stretch to see everyone. With my family and school friends at home and my university friends dotted around the country, it's not only making the time that proves difficult but also getting to where I need to be. Since moving in December I have barely spent any time settling in to my new home, mostly because I have been squeezing in trips where possible. Come Monday I'm seriously tired and in urgent need of coffee, but do I regret it? Not one bit. 

It's so important to do what you can, when you can. There is nothing better to get you through the week than the thought of a good catch up to look forward to. After spending a few weekends away I have been eager to pencil in more in my diary for the upcoming months. When you do work so hard, unwinding time becomes essential to keep you going. Your friends bring out the best in you, will help to keep you motivated and feeling inspired... and you can offer the same for them.
For me I don't mind leaving this beautiful city if it means I get to fill my weekend with a new place and doing something which will only strengthen our bond. You simply cannot do everything on your own and as Carrie Bradshaw once said "Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people we have fun with". The ones you go without seeing for a while and you meet up like not a day has gone by are the keepers! I'm lucky to say I have so many beautiful people around me in every single way, it's just who they are and I wouldn't risk the chance of letting them go anywhere.

So basically although I preach all the time about how making time for yourself is important (which it so is) so are the people you care about. Some of my best times aren't spent alone, they are spent with the people I surround myself with. Plus when you go from living with people and waking up to them everyday to seeing them once every two months if you are lucky you appriciate the time you spend together so much more.

Live for now...

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