As the New Year arrives once more, I reflect on the year passing which you can see in my latest video. After I let go and wave goodbye to the year my mind shifts to the future. My head fills with hopes, expectations, dreams for this year ahead and as always, I share them in writing to almost solidify what I want to achieve.
Last year I wished to appriciate me more and boy did I achieve that. I can't imagine that this time last year I'd never really done anything by myself, for myself. Looking back now it's hard to imagine not! I smashed that goal out the park. I travelled for three weeks in the most beautiful place with just hand luggage and myself for company. The best thing was realising I got by just fine. I did a whole string of things to test myself and get more comfortable about being on my own but I think travelling alone was the ultimate test. I wanted to re-find who I was and learn to love it, flaws and all. A year on I can say I am there. Yes, there is always room to grow and develop but the core generally stays the same. Although 2016 for the world wasn't the best, my own personal goals were reached with a lot of work and dedication.
I think when making goals you have to think smart. You business people will know what I mean. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. The first step in making your goal a reality. Goals can be important for motivation but it also does good to remember, as you change so do your priorities and what you want. Naturally this will need to be adapted as you grow and when something else becomes more important that is okay too. Always remember just because you haven't achieved it now doesn't mean you won't. 
For the year ahead the things I would like are actually rather simple but take focus and discipline. My main thing is to excel in my job. As a young graduate I'm aware I still have a lot to learn. I am a very career driven person, in fact I think it runs in my family, especially us females. I take my work very seriously, I mean if I've got to do something everyday until my seventies I better bloody love it and do well right? I believe what you put in you get back. It is an honour working for a company with a woman CEO who started out designing handbags in her basement only for it to take off in to the growing business it is now. The greatest of things start small but they start somewhere. All you need is drive. I am so lucky to have landed in a fortunate position at a brilliant company, in the city I always visioned myself ending up only a short while after graduating. I can ensure you I will not waste this opportunity.
As I am still new to London I would love to fully settle here, make my room homey but more importantly fully appriciate my surroundings. There are countless experiences waiting for me on my doorstep, I just have to go out and get them. Everything comes with its own price but this year I want to invest in my life. Creating moments is the most rewarding thing you can do. Don't get me wrong, I do like spending my money on shoes, clothes, handbags but it's not half as satisfying as I feel travelling, spending quality times with my friends/family or doing something I love. One thing I've learnt is doing good makes you feel good and that is my motto for 2017.
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What are you new years resolutions for 2017?
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