Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Happy Birthday Aine's Wardrobe

I'm sure you are probably sick of me banging on about Birthday's by the this point and I do apologise if so but on this exact day two years I did my first every post and that to me is pretty important.
I started my blog after just turning 18 - crazy as that makes it seem like ages ago. I was attending my university interviews and found that this was a frequent question for my course. "Do you have a blog" was almost giving me nightmares. I thought to myself "What's a blog", how far have I come? I got researching and it opened up a whole new world I had no idea about. From fashion to food there was everything and as I browsed the web for what was probably days I knew this was something I should probably get involved in.

I remember doing my first post taking pictures in the garden or in and around my house mainly focusing on what I was wearing. Not only was I in the dark about blogging but so were so many others surrounding me and although at first I think they were a bit confused and wary of the idea they soon became very accepting. To be honest the thought of being judged never would've held me back and I'm glad it didn't otherwise I wouldn't be where I was now.

Blogging has provided me with the opportunity to experience and log so many things on my journey. I have had the chance to meet people passionate about the industry and even made a few connections which have secured me fashion placements and internships on way to finding my dream job. I couldn't have even imagined this when I first started. Watching my followers grow, everyday I wake up surprised you are all still here or the fact someone new has joined my journey. I feel honoured that there are actual people out there who are interest in what I have to say, like what I wear, trust my opinion and so much more. Blogging now in my view has become more popular then ever and I think thats amazing.

Not that long a go I felt as Cheryl would say "Weak, Limp and Lifeless" but instead of that being about my hair it was more my blog. As much as I loved posting about what I wore it was getting kind of repetitive and boring. I then decided to branch out into lifestyle and beauty and the reaction was phenomenal with some of my most read posts being nothing to do with fashion. I found my love for Aine's Wardrobe all over again. Now I feel like it's become a truer representation of me as a person and it feels more like an online journal documenting my day to day and I couldn't be prouder of keeping this little thing going. 

P.s - Don't forget to enter my giveaway!


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