Monday, 27 February 2017

Why You Have Nothing To Wear

I know I'm not the only one who looks in their wardrobe full of clothes and still moans I have nothing to wear. The facts are I have plenty, as you are probably aware of, but I just don't even know where to start. Thinking about this in a much deeper context than I should, I realised why I was struggling so much to put an outfit together. In this post I will share not only my experience but how I aim to avoid this issue in the future.

A tip I discovered around three years ago is knowing what is in your wardrobe. Previously I had 95% of my clothes folded away in a set of draws. I found when you store clothes in this way you forget about half the things you own purely because you can't see it. This is all down to a lack of structure and naturally the remedy is to get some. As soon as I realised that I went out brought four large bags full of white wire hangers and put everything I owned on them (minus gym wear and pjs as that would be ridiculous). Having everything on the same hangers keeps your wardrobe looking tidy, organised and unified, making it a much more aesthetically pleasing experience. If you want to take it one/two steps further I also colour co-ordinated and each colour i.e pink has it's own sections from coats to jackets to jumpsuits to playsuits to dresses to trousers to shorts to skirts to long sleeved tops to vests to crop tops - are you with me? Is it a bit over the top, yes but it is so satisfying. When I'm looking for something I know where exactly where to find it and that makes getting dressed much quicker.

It is so easy for old favourites to stay unworn at the back of your cupboard gathering dust. If its not the organisation of your clothes it may be that what you have no longer matches sense of style. Our style is always changing and growing, just like us. We are constantly developing what we wear through experimenting with new garments out of our comfort zones. Plus at the rate fashion trends come and go these days it can be hard to keep up. You have your basics which are on rotation no matter what the season, trends or occasion they are your well loved classics i.e white shirt, jeans, striped breton. Then you have the items you purchased because they were 'in' at the time and you wore twice at best before the trend died out, those are your fads. Finally you have the trend pieces that are slightly more subtle and transition much better therefore last longer. If your shopping strategy is impulsive you probably have a lot of fads in your wardrobe which is why you are in this dilemma. Something I always try to consider when purchasing is 'How does this fit in with what I already have?', if you can't imagine more than three ways to wear it put it back down.
 I think that one can be easily done for all is having something that defines your style. You just pick up things you like meaning your wardrobe has no coherent style concept. This results in a real miss match of items, they clash and are both sending completely different messages. Pick a theme and run with it. I'm not saying you always have to stay between the lines but it certainly does help. For me I love pastels so that basically sums up my colour palette, style wise tailoring is my weakness with a mix of femininity as I'm a real girly girl at heart. I know some people tend to pick an era that they adore the style and this a great way to start to reflect who you are/who you would like to become.

I am very guilty of having a wardrobe that doesn't match my lifestyle. I go out out all the time, yet I find myself not looking very dissimilar to my everyday wear apart from a slightly higher stiletto heel. I tend to dress relatively smart all the time so when I go out I look pretty much the same. It's about highlighting that area in your wardrobe and giving it some much needed attention. So when It's a choice between a party dress or another jumper I know which one I should go for. Not long ago I did the same thing with basics, I used to buy some much in to trends that I didn't have any plainer pieces to style them with, which brings me perfectly on to my next point.

I'm sure you have heard the phrase you've got all the tools but don't know how to use them. Well it might be you've got loads of clothes in your wardrobe but no idea how to style them. Often the most inventive people have a capsule wardrobe and can wear things a million ways forever looking different. Sometimes the more we have limits our ability to be creative as why do that when we can have choice. Underdeveloped styling skills is something I can do, especially in the accessories department as I tend to get lazy. I put a pair of earrings in and leave them for a few months before I change them, I'm lucky to be seen in a necklace, rings are just about the only thing I cope with. As for belts I own like two and never really use them and it's all of these little things that can take your look from 0 to 100. It is so worth just putting a little more thought in to how you wear things, not just the one way it's presented to you. That is when you style becomes truly unique, special and most importantly, yours. If you are stuck for styling tips get some fashion inspo - check your latest blogs, magazines and pinterest (those are my favourite points of reference).
Shop The Look:

I hope you liked this article on why you have nothing to wear and fingers crossed you will take something away from this that will help your future self.



  1. I'm exactly like you. I have a lot of my clothes hidden away and I end up not knowing what I have! Saying this I'm about to do a massive clear out so maybe this will be fixed.

    The Crown Wings

    1. Wishing you the best of luck for your clear out! It is the best feeling ever when your wardrobe is on point x


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