Friday, 23 December 2016

How My Blog Will Change In The New Year

As you may know, over the past few weeks my life has rocketed forward to exactly where I hoped to be after I graduated. A big move to London, a new job (which by the way I hope to update you on fully in the new year) and obviously this has impacted on a big lifestyle change. I wanted to keep you in the loop of how that will effect my blogging and youtube plans.

Firstly I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank you for your understanding about me cancelling my vlogmas plans and your kind response about my news you may have watched in my big announcement/winter haul video. It was so hard not to blurt it out in excitement before the video went live. As you can imagine I was and still am overjoyed and couldn't think of a better way to end my year - what a high. Luckily being organised in terms of content as I thought I would be vlogging everyday has meant my December blogging is consistent with my usual upload schedule. Two to three posts a week with a video upload on a Wednesday. 

Moving forward things maybe slightly different but I hope you stick around. I have only been in London two weeks and a few days and I am already facing challenges with my blogging routine which I somehow manage to keep going 95% of the time. Having a full time job impacts the amount of time I have to keep this platform at what it currently is. I think what goes in to one post at times can be underestimated to the naked eye. For one the photography is my first battle. Let's be real I've just moved here and I can count my friends on one hand! The last thing I want to do is ask people I've just met to take a dozen pictures of me because quiet frankly that can be perceived as vain. Who wants that as their first impression? Out of office hours are a rush in the morning and too dark in the evening, leaving my current jam packed weekends with little time to shoot. One thing I'm not lacking on however is location! This pink house does wonders for my branding, aesthetic and how I want my blog to be. 
As for youtube, it is more about re-focusing. I want my blog to log the outfits I wear and for it to work alongside something meaningful. It could be a story, advice or maybe a even just a styling tip, but something with thought behind it. I want to share things that have helped me and show stages of my own personal development which in the process could also aid others. I think the driving force of my channel will be vlogs, the less glossy/picturesque me. It seems I've fallen out of love with my sit down videos and I would much prefer to take you along for a day in my world every now and again. I'm not saying I'll never do them or that I will only be doing vlogs but I just don't want to feel like I'm repeating myself from videos to posts anymore.

I've worked too hard for three years on this passion of mine to let it be something I let go of without a bat of an eyelid. This blog may not be perfect, in fact I know it's not, but what it has done for me is unbelievable. My little online space is mine to create and share whatever I wish. Although I have a small following, it is just as much for me as it is for you. Sharing points, moments, aspects of my life. I can literally see a three year long document how far I've come and that is surreal. Plus these are proven to be the most important years of your life because they form who you identify yourself as a person. As much as I cringe at old me, I rest assured the me now I will also cringe at in a few years because of all the new experiences life has thrown my way. 

My blog isn't necessarily going to change what it stands for but more of a quality over quantity. I would rather post a little less and it be something worth reading, more informative and things that might actually make a difference. I'm so inspired at the moment that I find myself feeling frustrated that I can't get everything to you at the speed I wish. My list of ideas forever growing, adding more before I've even crossed some off. I truly admire the bloggers out there with full time jobs who are absolutely slaying, and maybe once I settle more in to my role  and daily tasks I will to be able to step up my game. At the same time I want to give my everything to this role, I have already learnt so much in my short time there but there is always room to grow and new mountains to climb. My main challenge will be balancing the two as well as ensuring I don't over work myself.  I don't want to say these are the days I will be uploading only to disappoint you or putting pressure on myself to create content for that day for it only to be a false promise. I want to keep this a place you come for uplifting, real and personal content. That I can promise it will be. Simply me, my life and what I can share, I will, when possible.
Shop The Look:

Let me know your thoughts...



  1. Congratulations on your new job and moving to London!
    Cloe X

    1. Thank you Cloe, I really appriciate you still reading almost a year on from your first comment!x


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