Saturday, 16 January 2016

Soap Slice With Yorkshire Soap Co.

So for me it's my first week back at uni, by the second day I had already come down with some sort of chest infection and was in need of something to get me through the week. There is nothing that works as well as a bath to relax yourself and makes the perfect break after a busy day.
This soap was given to me as a gift from one of my friends, and as she handed it over she told me that she had my blog in mind when purchasing. When I started unwrapping it myself I could completely see why. She is fully aware of my love for pink (not exactly hard to miss) and the pale shade used in the packaging had me excited instantly. The cute bow, cupcake label design and candy brown stripes ticked all my presentation boxes - I mean how adorable!

As I got reading the information on the side I noted the scent she picked up called the 'Flirtatious Silk Soap Karen Morland Gourmet'. The second part which jumped out at me was Handmade; I'm not sure what it is but that word always makes gifts seem more personal, thought out and special. The scent was powerful even in the packaging leaving me finding it difficult to restrain from delving in (blogger issues of having to photograph everything first). After a moment of silence for basically destroying the packaging to open it, behind it revealed the most beautiful soap I think I've ever laid eyes on.

I remember when I was younger I use to hate baths and never enjoyed the relaxing element. As I've grown older I have become for much more fond of them, however things such as bath bombs and soaps like this were helpful to keep an element of fun. The bright colours, glitter and floral patterns is a dream for any bath. Not only that but the natural oils left my skin feeling nourished and smelling divine.
Yorkshire Soap Co.
Flirtatious Silk Soap 
Karen Morland Gourmet
Soap Slice

Me in the tub not included!
Enjoy, indulge but don't eat!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This soap looks amazing!

    Cloe X


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