Thursday, 21 May 2015

My Five Guys Experience

After many recommendations I finally made my way to Five Guys. I had heard so much and even though its been here for a while now there is still a slight buzz about it. After a long day of shopping unfortunately not for me I decided to go in and treat myself.
 As I entered I have to admit I always dig the american dinner look. Something so vintage and retro tickles my fancy when it comes to interiors. The red and white colour scheme was popping and got me all excited.

Glancing up at the menu I realised there wasn't that much choice for me. I mean I knew a place specialising in burgers and fries couldn't do much for a vegetation who is also wheat and gluten free. Nonetheless I took the only option on the board which met some of my requirements which was the veggie sandwich. This included mushrooms, green peppers, onion, lettuce and tomato. You could add as many toppings as you would like for free which I thought was good but I had the bikini body in mind so thought to myself it would be best not too. Not sure why I am acting so innocent, didn't turn down the mayo. Me and my friend shared a medium chips and that was more than enough for us both. Then to finish it all off a medium refillable drink!

To tell you the truth I'm not sure what all the fuss was about. Maybe it's just good for y'all meat eaters. I always find it difficult when going out to eat as not many places offer things to suit my diet and always end up breaking the rules. Being a vegetarian is my choice but as for wheat and gluten that aggravates my stomach so I try to avoid it. 

The chips were a bit to salty for me but they were okay. The bun, well thats what Paul Hollywood would describe as a "soggy bottom". For me it seemed like a posh Mc Donalds, harsh I know but maybe my hopes were just too high.
 I went to the Birmingham one in case you were wondering!



  1. Five Guys is pretty good...but I live in the State and I've actually only been there once! Their vegetarian/gluten-free options are not very good :(


    1. Maybe I just had a bad experience! I'm sure I will pop in again, I think my expectations were just so high from what everyone was saying that I would've been disappointed regardless x


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