Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Sexism In The City Event

Over the past few weeks I have been doing an events module at uni which I feel I may have previously mentioned briefly but something I wanted to tell you, my readers more about. I don't often tell you guys that much about what I do in day to day life but I think sometimes my life can be more interesting than I realise. I know fashion courses can often be misinterpreted and underestimated but I'm really proud of my achievements this year and I want to share it for something to document my time more.

I will do my best to explain it to you, but I'm going to pre-warn you I feel like because I was so busy with my jobs I don't feel as if I really had a chance to sit back, take it all in and reflect on the day or the module as a whole.

Not to quote drake but we started from the bottom and now we are here! It all started just before christmas we were handed the brief and the thought that always crosses my mind is - how am I supposed to that? And putting on an event alongside everything else lets just say the heart palpitations began before I'd even had a time to digest all the information. We had to get into groups and we went with lucky number seven, which I think worked in our favour just the right amount.
We branded ourselves as 'Seven Events' original! Look, we had to decide on the day and stick with that name so I don't think it was appropriate to be adventurous. I do still believe it has a ring to it though... Anyway after many weeks of fundraising (YAY!) we had enough to put on our final event 'Sexism In The City'.
It was, well we aimed for it to be an eye-opening experience for graduates moving into the world of work, including time for socialising and networking over tea, coffee and cake (mmmm...cake, yes my mind has wondered off too). We arranged a catwalk show with styling advice which provided information about outfits appropriate for internships, interviews, how to rule the board room and dress down friday. It included looks from H&M, New Look and Warehouse and being the organiser of this section in particular I was so proud. Think I may have to take a job in styling after enjoying it so much. I hand picked the looks working alongside the stores hoping to give the audience some outfit inspiration.
 Then we finished with a panel discussion and Q&A, where I asked questions to some very inspirational women. Our panel members were feminist fashion blogger - Daisy Keens (from Pie & Fash) check her out if you haven't already I love her opinionated posts and her honesty is very refreshing and strangely charming. Our second panel member was ALL in ALL events CEO Emma Larkin who actually did the course I am studying now. Looking at her success with her company was definitely an eye-opener on to the life I could live if I put my mind to it and motivated me to not give up. Finally we had Julia Speed from Enterprise Cars, which you are probably thinking why is that of interest to us as fashion students? Well they are the women's employers of the year as well as graduate employer of the year so they are a force to be reckoned with.

Not being a massive public speaker myself I was relieved to hear everyone thought it went well and I'm glad I took it upon myself to be the one asking the questions. Youtube I feel has somewhat helped me in this section of my life. I remember this time last year I was sent home prior to a presentation struggling with anxiety and there I was combatting my fears and talking with around 50 people watching, no pressure. Sometimes pushing yourself you can end up surprising were you originally thought the breaking point of your comfort zone was. 
We raised money in aid of The Fawcett Society, the UK’s leading charity for women’s rights and gender equality - at home, at work and in public life. Alongside Graduate Fashion Week which represents the future of creative design talent. Overall it was an incredible, world wind journey that I have learnt so much from and is something I cherish and is certainly not an experience I will forget anytime soon.

Photographs taken by Alice Hoyle.


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